Best Social Media Reporting Tools for Marketing Agencies

In today’s digital age, social media has become an integral part of any successful marketing strategy. With billions of people using various social media platforms daily, marketing agencies have recognized the need to harness the power of social media to reach and engage with their target audience. However, simply having a presence on social media is not enough. It is crucial for marketing agencies to track and analyze their social media activities to understand their performance and make data-driven decisions to improve their tactics in the long run. This is where social media reporting comes into play.

How to Create a Social Media Report

A social media report is a document that consolidates and presents real-time data from your social media activities. These reports provide insights into how your social media channels and marketing campaigns are performing by utilizing various metrics. By analyzing these metrics, marketing agencies can evaluate the effectiveness of their strategies, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions to optimize their social media marketing efforts.

Creating an Effective Social Media Report

Creating a comprehensive and insightful social media report requires careful planning and execution. Let’s break down the process of creating a social media report into key steps:

  1. Choose a Presentation Model: Start by deciding on the presentation model for your report. You can either utilize pre-designed report templates or create a customized format that aligns with your agency’s branding and requirements.
  2. Determine the Metrics: Select the social media metrics that are relevant to your goals and objectives. The metrics you choose will depend on the purpose of your report, whether it’s tracking brand awareness, measuring sales improvement, or assessing public reputation. Some common metrics include audience size, follower growth rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates.
  3. Utilize Analytics Tools: To gather data efficiently, leverage various social media analytics tools. These tools automate the data collection process, saving you time and effort. They provide valuable insights into your social media performance and enable you to generate reports with ease.
  4. Enhance with Visuals and Graphics: To make your report visually appealing and easy to understand, incorporate relevant visuals and graphics. Visual representations of data, such as charts, graphs, and infographics, can effectively communicate key insights and trends to your clients.

Why is Social Media Reporting Important?

As a marketing firm, you may offer your clients a variety of marketing options, such as influencer marketing or content marketing. Eventually, your clients will expect to see positive effects from your efforts. In this case, social media reporting can assist you demonstrate the quality and value of your social media marketing strategy.

These reports rely primarily on data and facts. This improves the dependability of your work and fosters trusting connections with your clients. Whether you are a tiny firm or a worldwide leader, you must demonstrate your results to persuade clients to choose you.

Reports on social media analytics steer your marketing efforts in the appropriate path. What works best for you? Which channels do you need to work on or improve?

Social media reporting gives you the answers and the chance to develop more efficient solutions.

Best Social Media Reporting Tools for Marketing Agencies

Social media reporting tools facilitate monitoring the productivity of your social media campaigns and improving it accordingly. You should include these tools in your marketing strategy to get ahead in the competition.

Let’s explore a list of the best reporting tools for your marketing agency.

  • AgencyAnalytics
  • Whatagraph
  • Measure Studio
  • Agorapulse
  • Iconosquare
  • Improvado


AgencyAnalytics is a top-tier social media reporting tool specifically designed for marketing agencies. With over 5,000 agencies relying on its services, AgencyAnalytics offers automated social media analytics that saves time and money. The tool provides customizable report templates and a drag-and-drop report builder, simplifying the report creation process. It also offers more than 60 marketing integrations, allowing users to switch between platforms seamlessly.

Top Features

  • Customizable Report Templates: AgencyAnalytics provides a collection of pre-designed report templates that can be customized to meet the specific needs of your agency and clients. These templates cover various metrics and insights, allowing you to create professional, branded reports quickly and efficiently.
  • Drag-and-Drop Report Builder: With AgencyAnalytics’ intuitive drag-and-drop report builder, you can easily customize and arrange report elements to create visually appealing and informative reports. This feature eliminates the need for manual report creation, saving you time and effort.
  • White Label Reports: AgencyAnalytics offers white label reports, allowing you to add your agency’s logo, branding, and color scheme to the reports. This customization feature adds a professional touch, reinforcing your agency’s brand identity and creating a cohesive client experience.
  • Marketing Integrations: With over 60 marketing integrations, including popular platforms like Twitter Analytics and Shopify, AgencyAnalytics enables you to gather data from multiple sources and platforms. This comprehensive data collection allows you to analyze the performance of your social media campaigns across various channels and make informed decisions.
  • Custom Dashboards: AgencyAnalytics provides customizable dashboards that offer each client a personalized experience. These dashboards can be tailored to display the most relevant metrics and insights for each client, making it easy for them to track the progress of their social media campaigns in real-time.
  • Client Collaboration: AgencyAnalytics offers client collaboration features that facilitate communication and collaboration between your agency and clients. You can invite clients to access their reports and dashboards, allowing them to provide feedback, make data-driven decisions, and stay informed about the progress of their social media campaigns.

Bottom Line

AgencyAnalytics is best suited for digital marketing agencies looking to streamline their reporting process, centralize data from multiple marketing channels, and provide clients with comprehensive, branded reports. By leveraging the power of AgencyAnalytics, agencies can save time, enhance client satisfaction, and make data-driven decisions that drive meaningful results for their clients.

2) Whatagraph

Whatagraph is a trusted reporting tool that enables marketers to monitor campaign performance across various social networks and channels. The tool offers customizable templates and supports collaborative report creation, making it easy for teams to work together. With integrations to over 40 applications and programs, Whatagraph allows marketers to make data-driven decisions backed by accurate and comprehensive insights.

Top Features:

  • Automated Reporting: Whatagraph automates the process of data gathering, analysis, and report generation, saving time and effort for users.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Users can create personalized dashboards with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing them to customize the visual representation of data according to their specific needs.
  • Data Integration: The platform seamlessly integrates with various data sources, such as Google Analytics, Facebook Ads, Instagram, and more, enabling users to gather data from multiple channels in one place.
  • Real-time Updates: Whatagraph provides real-time updates on data, ensuring that users have access to the most up-to-date information for their reports.
  • Interactive Reports: The platform offers interactive features like clickable graphs and charts, drill-down capabilities, and data filtering, allowing users to dive deeper into the data and gain more insights.


Whatagraph is an ideal solution for businesses and marketing professionals who need to streamline their reporting process and effectively communicate data-driven insights to stakeholders. With its automated reporting, customizable dashboards, and seamless data integration, Whatagraph empowers users to create visually compelling reports that facilitate informed decision-making.

Measure Studio

Measure Studio is an all-in-one social content analytics tool that empowers businesses to improve their content strategy. With Measure Studio, marketers can manage all their social channels from a single platform. The tool provides detailed data and clever insights, allowing marketers to identify breakthrough posts and areas for improvement. Its user-friendly interface and accessibility on any device with a web browser make it a convenient choice for marketing agencies.

Top Features:

  • Data Exploration: Measure Studio offers a range of tools and functions to explore and navigate through large datasets, allowing users to identify patterns, trends, and anomalies with ease.
  • Advanced Analytics: The platform provides a wide array of statistical and analytical techniques, including regression analysis, clustering, and forecasting, empowering users to extract meaningful insights and make data-driven decisions.
  • Interactive Visualizations: Measure Studio enables users to create interactive and visually appealing charts, graphs, and dashboards, making it easier to communicate complex data in a visually engaging manner.
  • Data Integration: The tool seamlessly integrates with various data sources, databases, and file formats, enabling users to consolidate and analyze data from multiple sources in a unified environment.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: Measure Studio allows for collaborative analysis by providing features to share reports, collaborate with team members, and export visualizations and findings for presentations or further analysis.


Measure Studio is a valuable tool for data analysts, business intelligence professionals, and decision-makers who seek to unlock the potential of their data. With its intuitive interface, advanced analytics capabilities, interactive visualizations, and collaborative features, Measure Studio empowers users to gain actionable insights from complex data sets, facilitating data-driven decision-making and enhancing overall business performance. To check out the features and see for yourself, try the 14-day free trial.


Agorapulse is a highly acclaimed social media reporting tool known for its exceptional customer support. The tool helps marketing agencies optimize their social media efforts by identifying top-performing content, tracking trends, and monitoring team performance. Agorapulse’s mobile app enables on-the-go management and its community management reports allow for effective team tracking and collaboration.

Top Features:

  • Social Media Publishing: Agorapulse allows users to schedule and publish content across multiple social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, and YouTube, from a single, centralized dashboard.
  • Social Inbox: The platform provides a unified inbox to monitor and manage social media conversations, messages, comments, and mentions, allowing users to respond promptly and engage with their audience.
  • Social Listening: Agorapulse enables users to track and monitor keywords, hashtags, and brand mentions across various social media platforms, providing valuable insights into conversations and sentiment around their brand or industry.
  • Performance Analytics: The platform offers in-depth analytics and reporting features, providing users with actionable insights on post performance, engagement rates, follower growth, and audience demographics, helping them measure the success of their social media strategies.
  • Team Collaboration: Agorapulse supports team collaboration by allowing users to assign tasks, collaborate on content creation, and track team member activities, making social media management more efficient and organized.


Agorapulse is an ideal social media management solution for businesses and marketers who want to streamline their social media activities, engage with their audience effectively, and measure the impact of their social media efforts. With its comprehensive set of features, including publishing, social inbox, listening, analytics, and collaboration tools, Agorapulse empowers users to effectively manage and optimize their social media presence, resulting in improved engagement, brand awareness, and overall social media performance.


Iconosquare is an excellent social media reporting tool that empowers marketers to make data-driven marketing decisions. With advanced analytics and metrics such as follower evolution, average engagement rate per post, and impressions history, Iconosquare provides valuable insights for developing effective social media strategies. The tool offers automated reporting on social channels, competitor activity, hashtags, and trends, along with the ability to create custom reports and dashboards.

Top Features:

  • Advanced Analytics: Iconosquare provides in-depth analytics for Instagram and Facebook, allowing users to monitor engagement, follower growth, reach, impressions, and more. These insights help users understand their audience and make data-backed decisions.
  • Content Performance Analysis: The tool enables users to evaluate the performance of individual posts, stories, and campaigns. It provides data on likes, comments, shares, and saves, allowing users to identify the most engaging content and replicate its success.
  • Competitor Analysis: Iconosquare allows users to track their competitors’ social media performance and benchmark against industry leaders. This feature helps businesses identify trends, gain insights into competitor strategies, and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.
  • Hashtag Analytics: With Iconosquare, users can analyze the effectiveness of hashtags in driving engagement and reach. The tool provides data on hashtag performance, including usage frequency, popularity, and engagement levels, helping users optimize their hashtag strategies.
  • Customizable Reports: Users can generate visually appealing and customizable reports with key metrics and performance insights. These reports can be exported and shared with team members or clients, making it easy to showcase social media success and track progress over time.


Iconosquare is an ideal social media reporting tool for businesses, digital marketers, and social media managers who want to streamline their social media analytics and reporting processes. With its robust features, including advanced analytics, competitor analysis, and customizable reports, Iconosquare empowers users to make informed decisions, optimize their social media strategies, and drive meaningful results.


Improvado is a comprehensive social media reporting tool that centralizes data from over 200 connectors, including Google Analytics and leading social networks. With more than 300 integrations, Improvado allows marketers to build and visualize custom reports tailored to their specific needs. The tool offers various data warehousing options for secure data storage, making it a reliable choice for marketing agencies.

Top Features:

  • Data Integration: Improvado allows seamless integration with various social media platforms, consolidating data from multiple sources into a single dashboard for easy access and analysis.
  • Customizable Dashboards: Users can create personalized dashboards with drag-and-drop functionality, allowing them to visualize and monitor key social media metrics and KPIs in real time.
  • Automated Reporting: With Improvado, users can automate their social media reporting process, saving time and effort. Reports can be scheduled, customized, and delivered to stakeholders automatically.
  • Advanced Analytics: The platform offers advanced analytics capabilities, including data segmentation, trend analysis, and performance comparison, empowering businesses to identify patterns, uncover insights, and optimize their social media strategies.
  • Cross-Channel Attribution: Improvado provides cross-channel attribution analysis, enabling businesses to track the impact of their social media campaigns across various channels and accurately measure ROI.
  • Collaboration and Sharing: Users can collaborate with team members, share reports and insights, and assign tasks within the platform, fostering effective communication and collaboration among stakeholders.


Improvado is an ideal social media reporting tool for businesses and marketing teams seeking a comprehensive solution to streamline their social media analytics and reporting processes. With its robust features, data integration capabilities, and automation functionality, Improvado empowers users to make informed decisions, optimize their social media campaigns, and drive tangible results.

Looking at their portfolio, skills, and features, we’ve combined a list of the best social media reporting tools for marketing agencies. Each of the tools offers different plans that can match your needs and budget. 

By leveraging these powerful social media reporting tools, marketing agencies can gain valuable insights into their social media performance, measure the success of their strategies, and optimize their campaigns to achieve better results. Each tool offers different plans to suit various needs and budgets, ensuring that marketing agencies can find the right fit for their requirements.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, social media reporting is a vital component of any marketing agency’s strategy. By regularly monitoring and analyzing social media metrics, agencies can refine their tactics, demonstrate their value to clients, and drive more effective marketing efforts. With the help of innovative social media reporting tools, marketing agencies can unlock the true potential of their social media campaigns and stay ahead in the competitive landscape.

The decision is up to you. Yet, we are glad to help you find a suitable tool for your marketing agency.

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