How to write a good product introduction copy? Here is a trick that big coffee loves!

Image source map insect: used by the stationmaster’s home

The ad copy legend Joseph Hughman is a copywriter who I admire very much. His copywriting training manual is not only practical, but also has a lot of dry goods.

In the book, Hughman has such a short view. He did not focus on it, but it always impressed me and made me more admire his copywriting wisdom.

He said this:

Complex products should be explained briefly, and simple products should be complicated.

This sentence is a writing principle when writing product introduction marketing copy, that is, when you sell a product that is very simple and very familiar to consumers, you should use a more complicated description method. And when you sell a more complex, relatively unfamiliar product, you should use a simple expression.

Until now, although I am not 100% will use this method, but it will always be referenced.

Hughman has verified the validity of this principle through countless success stories, at least he is comfortable to use.

For example, he once sold a smoke alarm. At that time, it was a common household product that everyone is familiar with and it is a very simple product for consumers. But when Hughman wrote this product advertisement, he wrote a story about the internal operation of the smoke detector, and even explained in detail how the accuracy measurer circuit determines whether there is smoke in the room. Anyway, the whole looks very rigorous. complex.

As a result, although the brand’s smoke alarm was $10 more expensive than the average price at the time, it still achieved good sales.

Also, when the computer first came out, Hughman explained the computer to his customers. He simply introduced what the computer can do for them, and focused on the simplicity of the computer. Because the consumer was just beginning to get in touch with the computer, it was quite complicated, and the computer was explained in very concise and basic terms, avoiding complicating the complicated things and ultimately facilitating the purchase.

You have to admit and believe that this method is effective and that you may get unexpected surprises. The key is that many copywriters also like to use this trick to introduce products, let’s take a look.

1, complex products should be briefly explained

When you sell a more complex product that is relatively unfamiliar to the consumer, you should use a simple expression.


Because the product itself is very complicated, it is difficult for consumers to understand. If you go to a more complicated explanation, isn’t it a mess?

“What does it mean for a long time? What the hell is this thing? Forget it, don’t buy it, look at it!”

Be aware that consumers are inherently insecure and resistant to unfamiliar things. Don’t create cognitive barriers that can create a sense of distance.

For complex products, if you want consumers to quickly understand, build awareness, and get used to Lenovo, you can choose a simple description. For example, to summarize and refine complex things, or to emotionally, visualize, personalize, familiarize, and perceive complex things.

When the first generation of the iPhone came out, no one knew what a “smart phone” was, because it was a completely unknown concept at the time, and the smartphone was too difficult for ordinary consumers to understand.

But Jobs is not an ordinary person, he said at the press conference:

“iPhone = 1 big screen iPod + 1 phone + 1 internet browser”.

A smart product that was so complicated is explained in this sentence. Although it does not say that all the first generation iPhones are available, at least consumers quickly understand the power of the products, and they all feel so cool.

Also in 2014, Hammer Technology released the Smartisan T1 mobile phone under the leadership of Luo Yonghao, which was priced at more than 3,000 yuan. Lao Luo believes that this mobile phone is targeted at the “urban elite, the middle class, the people who care about the quality and taste of life.”

Although everyone knows the sales results, the product propaganda copy that was broadcast at the press conference was still very good, and it was also appreciated by many people.

Simplicity, from hidden precision

The essence of flatness is the ultimate surface

Discomfort, resulting in new comfort

Let your left and right, not be around the product

All the details, decide the success or failure

Smartisan T1, born to be proud

The details of the mobile phone technology and mobile phone parameters are very complicated. It may not be understood for a long time. The propaganda film of Lao Luo has simplified the understanding of these embarrassment from the perspective of sensibility and sentiment. The introduction of mobile phones also likes to use this.

Let’s take a look at Fang Tai, which is also well-informed. A large number of commercials are simple to visualize complex things. For example, in order to highlight the powerful effect of their own range hood, they are not all kinds of narration products, top technology, powerful power and so on.

Rather, it all revolves around one sentence—not burning in all directions, and then combining a series of creative videos, posters, and copywriting to lay a strong product of the powerful smoke-absorbing effect.

Ok, let’s talk about the complicated simplification, let’s take a look at the simple complication.

2, simple product to be complicated to explain

Similarly, when you sell a product that is very simple and very familiar to consumers, you should use a more complicated description at this time.


To put it bluntly, it is to worry too simple and reduce the consumer’s perception of the value of the product.

“So simple, I dare to sell me 500 yuan, you are stupid!”

Think about it, the consumer psychology itself is very complicated. On the one hand, complicated products will make him very distressed. On the other hand, he is worried about whether it is not worth it or not.

At this time, you can choose complicated explanations, such as more space product ideas, product spirit mapping, product stories, product design, product process, product origin, character stories behind products, products Some technical section and so on.

In this way, not only can consumers have more understanding of this simple product, but also help to create product differentiation. More importantly, consumers’ perceptions of product value are perceived to be stronger.

In July of this year, Tmall Super Category Sunshine category, Tmall patted a story about water. Everyone knows that water is a particularly simple and pure thing. How do you attract everyone’s interest?

Tmall expounded the concept of “basic money” and extended it to the importance of water in daily life. Without the traces of teaching, people can realize some philosophy of life. It’s so exquisite!

There is no shortage of choices in this era, and there is no shortage of temptation.

Those exudes seductive atmosphere,

Something floating in the sky,

Of course it can bring us satisfaction.

But those things that are more basic to life,

It is slowly being proven that their value,

Just like everyone in the closet, there are always a few white T.

From the body, to the hand,

From dealing with one person to taking care of a family,

We are increasingly aware that

No matter how we choose,

A good life is inseparable from those good basics.

And that cup we take in our hands every day,

Comfortable water,

This is the basic model.

We used drinking water as a monotonous supply of life.

Easy to get, not worth the money,

Not to delve into the glacial rivers,

It is also a deep well ditches.

But now, water is no longer the same as water.

A good cup of water, not just for the daily base,

It also shapes the appearance of everyone’s life.

Behind this glass of water,

Active iteration of life,

Simple and refined beauty,

The longest taste bud,

Seemingly boring love,

Everyone walks on their own path,

No one knows where life is from the beginning.

Everyone is looking for an answer,

Look for the basics that mark your life,

We will understand later,

The more basic things,

The more the foundation of life is laid.

And life always belongs to those,

People who know how to make choices for themselves.

In 2010, the Green Tomato Library wrote a copy of the Stockholm decorative pedestal for IKEA. It also complicates the simple product and makes the product more profound.

People always change their way to collect light

People design the seat of the house

Designed to maximize the angle of sunshine in a day

Design window size

Design curtain thickness

Design the lights needed for the night

People also design a variety of lamps and candlesticks

Suspended, wall-mounted, platform

In fact, people most want to design

It is the warmth of light and the hope that light brings to life.

When it comes to the in-depth enthusiasm of the complicated description, Xu Yuying has to say.

Her previous copy of the Stella Luna (light luxury fashion footwear brand) is simply to make a pair of shoes reach the peak of shoes. Everyone can feel the following:

Craft is the soul of fashion

The creation of a designer is nothing but a beautiful delusion, if there is a lack of interpretation of three-dimensional space.

The height of the heel is only a vanity figure. Understanding ergonomics and aerospace mechanics can successfully create a sexy.

Without the delicate geometric logic, the charming lines can’t structure the flowing charm.

Only by constantly experimenting with new possibilities of materials and color matching can we speak a more evolved aesthetic language.

The shoes that really make a woman sink, are not just appearances, but also a desire to wear them without wanting to take off.

It is enthusiasm. Knowledge is the essence of the ultimate craftsmanship, so that a pair of shoes have a stylish soul.

There is also a copy of the copywriting she wrote for Zhongxing Department Store. It has always been a classic. I can’t match this ideology.

When the last button of the ARMANI set is buckled, the most professional and awesome strong image is completed.

White shirt, gray pleated skirt, knee trousers, bean sand color doll shoes, want to become a girl today.

I saw the mirror and the gorgeous embroidered evening dress on my body.

So the game of plundering men’s eyes and making other women’s enjoyable games for the dinner party is in the chest.

Only one of the weakest silky thin-shouldered shirts will be the most aggressive sheep in his arms.

Clothes are gender and clothes are space.

Clothes are class, clothes are power.

Clothes are performances and clothes are the means.

The clothes are displayed and the clothes are exposed.

Clothes are read and read, and clothes are persuaded.

The clothes are to be taken off.

Clothing is a kind of high-spirit politics, and politics is a kind of sophisticated clothing.

Finally, since the beginning of the Hughman’s Copywriting Training Manual, it ends with a section of the book:

There is nothing really new in life. It is just taking the pieces of knowledge from the past and regrouping them in a fresh and unique form. The facts cannot be created or destroyed. The only difference is that they are constantly evolving into new forms.

The more knowledge and experience you store in your own brain, the more you can connect and re-arrange different knowledge, so that your ability to write a copy will be stronger.

There is a saying: “If the only tool you have is a hammer, you will treat all problems as nails.” When solving problems in the form of knowledge and experience, the more tools you have, the more ways you can solve problems.

mutual encouragement!

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