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HTML Basics – 15 Tips to Make Website Design Easy

Web page design plays a crucial role in creating an impactful online presence. In today’s digital age, having a well-designed website is essential for businesses, individuals, and organizations alike. Whether you are a professional web designer or someone looking to create a website on your own, understanding the basics of HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is vital. In this article, we will explore five tips to make website design easy, ensuring that your web pages are visually appealing and user-friendly.

1. Master the Fundamentals of HTML:

HTML serves as the backbone of web page design. It provides the structure and formatting for your website’s content. To create effective web designs, it is crucial to have a solid understanding of HTML basics. Familiarize yourself with HTML tags, elements, and attributes. Learn how to structure headings, paragraphs, lists, links, and images using HTML. This knowledge will enable you to build well-organized and semantically correct web pages.

2. Utilize Professional Web Design Tools:

While HTML forms the foundation of web design, utilizing professional web design tools can significantly enhance your efficiency and productivity. Numerous web design software and online platforms provide user-friendly interfaces, drag-and-drop functionality, and pre-designed templates. These tools enable you to create visually appealing websites without extensive coding knowledge. Some popular web design tools include Adobe Dreamweaver, WordPress, Wix, and Squarespace. Explore these tools to find the one that suits your requirements best.

3. Follow Best Practices for Website Design:

To create a visually appealing and user-friendly website, it is crucial to follow best practices for website design. Here are some tips to consider:
  1. Keep it Simple and Intuitive: Avoid cluttered designs and complex navigation. Create a clean and intuitive layout that guides users through your website effortlessly.
  2. Consistency is Key: Maintain consistency in color schemes, fonts, and design elements throughout your website. Consistency creates a cohesive and professional look.
  3. Optimize for Mobile Devices: With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, it is essential to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Optimize your design for different screen sizes and resolutions.
  4. Use High-Quality Images: Images play a significant role in web design. Choose high-quality, relevant images that enhance your content and create visual interest.
  5. Pay Attention to Typography: Select appropriate fonts that are easy to read. Use font sizes and styles that create a pleasing visual hierarchy.

4. Seek Inspiration from Web Designing Sites:

Sometimes, the best way to improve your web design skills is by seeking inspiration from other websites. There are several websites dedicated to showcasing outstanding web designs. Browse through these websites to get ideas and inspiration for your own projects. Analyze how different websites utilize color, layout, typography, and imagery to create visually appealing designs. However, remember to maintain originality and avoid copying designs directly. Instead, use them as a source of inspiration to create unique and captivating web designs.

5. Continuous Learning and Improvement:

Web design is an ever-evolving field, and it is essential to stay updated with the latest trends and technologies. Continuously invest time in learning new web design techniques, HTML updates, and emerging design principles. Stay connected with the web design community through forums, blogs, and social media platforms. Participate in web design courses and workshops to enhance your skills and stay ahead in the rapidly evolving web design landscape.

10 Essential Tips for Best Website Design and Development

Because having good website design tips is crucial for any business or individual looking to establish an online presence. A visually appealing and functional website can attract and engage visitors, ultimately leading to increased conversions and success. Whether you’re a seasoned web designer or just starting out, here are ten essential tips for web design and development that will help you create a website that stands out.

1. Understand Your Target Audience:

Before diving into the design process, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your target audience. Research their preferences, demographics, and browsing habits. By knowing your audience, you can create a design that resonates with them, tailoring the layout, color scheme, and content to their needs and preferences.

2. Plan Your Website’s Structure:

Website development tips start with careful planning. Create a sitemap that outlines the structure and hierarchy of your website’s pages. This helps visitors navigate seamlessly through your site and ensures that all important content is easily accessible. Consider user flow and prioritize essential information to optimize the user experience.

3. Optimize for Mobile Devices:

With the increasing use of smartphones and tablets, it’s crucial to ensure that your website is mobile-friendly. Responsive design is key, as it allows your site to adapt and display correctly on different screen sizes. Mobile optimization improves user experience and helps your website rank higher in search engine results, as mobile-friendliness is now a ranking factor.

4. Keep the Design Simple and Intuitive:

A clean and minimalist design is not only visually appealing but also improves user experience. Avoid cluttering your website with excessive elements or complicated navigation menus. Embrace negative space, use a consistent layout, and ensure that your design is intuitive and easy to navigate. Users should be able to find what they’re looking for without confusion or frustration.

5. Pay Attention to Visual Hierarchy:

Web designing tips emphasize the importance of visual hierarchy in guiding users’ attention and prioritizing important information. Use size, color, contrast, and typography to create a clear visual hierarchy that highlights key elements, such as headlines, call-to-action buttons, and important content. This helps users quickly grasp the most relevant information on your website.

6. Use High-Quality Images and Videos:

Compelling visuals can significantly enhance your website’s design and engage visitors. Invest in high-quality images and videos that align with your brand and enhance the user experience. Use professional photography or consider utilizing stock images from reputable sources. Ensure that the visuals are optimized for the web, maintaining a balance between quality and file size for faster loading times.

7. Focus on Readability and Typography:

Choosing the right typography and ensuring readability is crucial for effective website design. Select fonts that are easy to read on different devices and screen sizes. Maintain a consistent font hierarchy, using different font weights and sizes to differentiate between headings, subheadings, and body text. Also, consider the line spacing and paragraph length to make reading comfortable.

8. Optimize Page Loading Speed:

In today’s fast-paced world, users expect websites to load quickly. Slow-loading pages can drive visitors away and negatively impact user experience. Website-making tips include optimizing your website’s performance by compressing images, minifying code, and leveraging caching techniques. Regularly monitor your website’s speed using tools like Google PageSpeed Insights and make necessary optimizations.

9. Incorporate Strong Calls-to-Action (CTAs):

A successful website design should guide users towards taking specific actions, such as making a purchase, subscribing to a newsletter, or contacting you. Incorporate clear and compelling calls to action throughout your website. Use contrasting colors, persuasive copy, and strategic placement to make your CTAs stand out and encourage user interaction.

10. Test and Iterate:

Website design is an iterative process. Regularly test your website’s design and functionality to identify areas for improvement. Use A/B testing to compare different variations of design elements or CTAs and analyze the results. Pay attention to user feedback and adapt your design accordingly. Continuously refining your website’s design based on real user data will help you achieve the best results.

By following these ten essential tips for designing websites, you can create a visually appealing, user-friendly, and successful website. Remember to understand your audience, plan your website’s structure, optimize for mobile, keep the design simple, focus on visual hierarchy, use high-quality visuals, prioritize readability, optimize the web page loading speed, incorporate strong CTAs, and continuously test and iterate. With a well-designed website, you’ll be on your way to capturing the attention and trust of your online visitors.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, mastering the basics of HTML is crucial for web page design. By following these five tips, you can make website design easy and create professional-looking websites. Remember to learn and practice HTML fundamentals, utilize professional web design tools, follow best practices for website design, seek inspiration from web designing sites, and continuously learn and improve your skills. With dedication and creativity, you can develop stunning websites that leave a lasting impact on your visitors.

Top Benefits of Link Building Services for an Established Website


Top Benefits of Link Building Services for an Established Website

Does your website enjoy a high ranking on Google? This is something that is a great achievement and you can know that online users are going to be able to find you.

It can ensure you have a steady stream of traffic visiting your site and if you are a business, you can be making regular sales for your products or services.

But, there is one mistake that a lot of people are making when it comes to their established website. They relax their SEO strategy and become complacent. In other words, they think that the hard work is done since their website is ranking well on Google.

Well, it is time for some home truths. Just because your website is ranking well right now, does not mean it is going to enjoy this same spot later down the line. In fact, if you have taken your foot off the gas when it comes to SEO, this is something that is going to come back to bite you later on.

There are many ranking factors for websites. Yet, an important one right now is link building. In particular, it is has become popular for websites to use link-building services.

Let’s discuss why this type of service can be highly beneficial for an established website that wants to maintain its high Google ranking.

First of all, let’s quickly go over what link-building services are if you have never heard of them before. Essentially, a company is going to offer a service where they generate links for your websites.

In other words, they take care of the link building for you and find suitable websites to place links on. This way, you can improve your backlink profile and this can help with your Google ranking.

There are many websites that give you a better idea of what you can expect when you choose these services. If you have never used link-building services before, this can give you peace of mind since you know how they operate.

How Can Link Building Services Help Your Website?

Remember, just because your website has been around for many years and has a good ranking at the moment, it is not going to stay this way if you relax your SEO. Here are ways that a link-building service can help your established website.

They Work in the Background

Perhaps one of the reasons why you have eased up on SEO is because you no longer have the time for this task. Indeed, this can happen when your business ranks highly on Google and you have a lot of customers interested in your products and services.

But, you cannot afford to ignore optimization altogether. Instead, this is where link-building services are going to come in and help.

A professional team is going to be able to work in the background on backlinks. They can link build for your website without you having to do anything. You are free to focus on other elements of your business and you can know that your link building is being taken care of.

Simply, the team will contact you to keep you updated on their progress. You do not need to do anything else.

They Improve Your Backlink Profile

One of the reasons why your website might not be ranking as well as it should is because you have a poor backlink profile. Namely, you might have never focused on link building and you do not have a lot of links to your site.

This is something that you can turn around with link-building services. They are going to focus on this part of SEO and make sure high domain authority websites are linking to your site.

It Saves You from Learning

There is no getting away from the fact that SEO can be complicated. There is a lot to learn and this might have been why you were neglecting link building.

Indeed, it can take a long time to be good at getting backlinks and this might mean that your Google ranking has suffered as a consequence. But, it does not matter how many years your website has been around, it is never too late to start link building.

With a link-building service, you can let the experts take over and get the backlinks for you. They have the experience and expertise to know how to move in the right direction no matter what your website currently looks like.


web design

Website Management: How It Can Boost Your ROI


Your website is the foundation of all your marketing efforts. It’s the place where your existing and prospective customers come to learn more about your products or services and your business as a whole.

Your website is where potential partners come to learn more about your brand and where your prospects book a demo or request more information about your products or services. It’s also where your landing pages sit, where prospects land after clicking on one of your ads.

In essence, your website is fundamental to not only your marketing success but the success of your business as a whole, which is why management of your website needs to be a daily priority.

In this article, we’ll look at what makes up website management and how it can boost your ROI.

What Is Website Management?

Website management is a term to describe combining several services to run your website effectively. Typically website management will involve:

  • Website security
  • Content management
  • Website support

Effective website management, particularly if you’re running a small business, will involve you outsourcing the services to a web design agency or a digital marketing agency that offers website maintenance services. Larger enterprises may have designated in-house teams that are responsible for the ongoing management of their companies’ websites.

Suppose you’ve had a website created or updated by a designer or an agency in the past. In that case, they may also offer ongoing website management services as part of their service portfolio, which you can utilize.

How Can Website Management Boost Your ROI?

A Secure Website Ranks Well, Brings in More Traffic and Reduces Website Downtime

Websites are constantly under the threat of attack from hackers and cybercriminals. These attacks can cause your website to crash, infect the device your website’s visitors are using, phish for potentially compromising information, and much more.

As you can imagine, any attack on your website can have disastrous effects on your business, particularly if sensitive data is compromised or your website is down for a while. In the event of an attack, you could face problems such as:

  • A loss of traffic, leads and customers for your business.
  • There is a loss of trust in your brand from your website visitors and customers, mainly if your website is down for a considerable time.
  • Poor user experience and slow loading times on your website.
  • Potential legal issues if confidential customer information is compromised.

Effective ongoing website security involves passive management like setting up good firewalls to block potential hackers and active management through measures such as regular malware scans and keeping your website architecture up to date.

With your website security intact, you can be safe knowing that your website visitors are protected when they visit, use, and purchase from your site.

Good web security also helps your search visibility. In an analysis of over 1 million results, Backlinko found that websites with a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate in place consistently ranked higher than websites without this certificate.

Uploading Content Optimised for SEO and Optimising Existing Content Boosts Your Traffic

Your website should never be treated as a static object. One of the most essential elements to the success of any website is the continual adding of new content and the optimization of existing content.

For the benefit of your website, you’ll want to make sure any new content you publish is optimized for SEO; some best practices include:

  • Carrying out keyword research for the topic you’re writing about.
  • Use keywords naturally and strategically in your content.
  • Optimise title tags and meta descriptions.
  • Optimise the length of your content; the latest research suggests long-form pieces of 2000 words are the most reliable way to push your business up the search results page.

 Some of the best practices for optimizing existing content on your site include:

  • Make sure the information in the content is up to date and relevant.
  • Make sure that any outbound and inbound links are still active.
  • Make sure that each page on your site contains a meta description, optimised URL and alt image text for any images present on a page.

Whoever is looking after your website management will generally take care of optimizing your existing content, but this may also fall under the responsibilities of an in-house content team if you have one.

Ongoing Website Support Keeps Your Website Functioning

Website support is somewhat of an umbrella term to describe a multitude of different factors that overlap but are not exclusive to website security or content management. Website support can include services such as:

  • Web design edits.
  • Website navigation changes.
  • Analytics management.
  • Plugin improvements and updates.
  • Server updates.
  • Site and data backup.
  • Landing page maintenance and much, much more.

Just like web security, regularly carrying out these tasks is key to maintaining your website’s functionality and performance. Keeping on top of plugin, theme, server/hosting updates will ensure your website’s loading times remain optimal and that all the plugins you’re using continue to function as they should.

Monitoring and analyzing your website’s analytics such as your organic traffic, time on page, bounce rate, and conversion rate.

These metrics will help you see if your site is drawing in and keeping visitors on-site and inform you as to whether you need to make some changes to your site to improve these metrics.


Keeping your website up to date and well maintained is vital if you want to keep attracting new visitors to your website and converting those visitors into leads and customers.

Alongside this, proper website management is essential to your website visitors’ positive user experience and their information remaining safe and secure. Make sure your website management is a priority; your business will be all the better for it.

If you want to get professional support in this regard, you can reach The Good Marketer.


web design

An Honest Look at 10 Website Builders Without Coding


Starting a successful business is hard work. With long hours and many hats to wear, anything that saves time without sacrificing quality is a huge bonus. That’s where website builders without coding for marketers come in.

The company website is often one of the most time-consuming and expensive elements of a new business’s marketing plan. As the first impression of your business, this needs to be a good reflection of your level of professionalism and should show off what makes your company stand out.

And with 57% of internet users saying they won’t recommend a business with a poorly designed website on mobile, it’s important to get it right. But it’s more than just a pretty face.

Your website also houses all your content, updates, and product pages – so buyers can find everything they need to advance their journey with your business.

There are three options when you come to this:

  • Learn to code and create the site yourself
  • Pay for a professional developer to create your site
  • Use a website builder tool

Of these options, website builder tools occupy a unique space – cheaper than a web developer, yet faster than learning to code. And with an ever-growing selection of website builders to choose from, it’s worth shopping around.

10 Website Builders Without Coding

We took an honest look at 10 of the best, so you don’t have to:

1. Wix

Wix often tops the charts in the battle of code-less web design. Slick templates and an easy user interface make it a great option for non-coders who want to create a good-looking website sharpish.

It’s cheaper than many of its contenders and features a number of additional apps, as well as an option to use code or drag and drop. That’s great if you’re still learning the ropes as you build.

The main limitation of Wix is the lack of e-commerce tools available. Whilst this builder may help you to create a good-looking and functional website, you may struggle to scale it in line with your ambitions after a certain point.

2. Squarespace

Squarespace is another firm favorite among small businesses. It too features a raft of stylish templates that can easily be dragged, dropped, and customized without entering a line of code.

It features more e-commerce options when compared with Wix, but the added features will also cost you significantly more, too. Squarespace also features analytics and marketing tools to help get your website in front of possible customers.

3. Weebly

Weebly’s popularity is drawn from its success as an e-commerce platform builder. With much more e-commerce capabilities than many of its competitors and a simplified way of using third-party add-ons, this is ideal for new commerce businesses.

However, Weebly’s image editing isn’t as versatile as most website builders, and this can cause problems during the design stage. Weebly also allows both drag-and-drop and code-based input.

4. Hubspot

HubSpot’s main function might not be website building – it’s more of an integrated free CRM with CMS and marketing tools – but it does make creating websites, as well as workflows, data capture, and pretty much everything else, easier.

Not only does HubSpot allow you to build your site, but you can also set up automated workflows, create mailing lists, build gated landing pages, as well as sharing all of this on a single platform with your sales team.

This may sound ideal, but HubSpot comes with its fair share of issues. The platform can be buggy on some computers, and the interface sometimes favors integrations over usability. It can also become extremely expensive once you start to use add-on other elements.

And you’ll soon find that each of HubSpot’s tools have been designed to work specifically as part of the wider HubSpot platform, not with your existing tools from other providers.

5. WordPress

WordPress is a name synonymous with bloggers and writers who find themselves needing a website. As the most popular website builder in the world, it’s definitely one to consider.

Whilst there’s no drag and drop functionality, the modular sidebar is easy enough to work with. The huge array of plugins and templates also help to make your site into something that perfectly fits your needs.

However, sometimes coding is needed to help resolve design issues, and it’s hard to scale a site up without significant further financial commitment.

6. Shopify

Shopify offers a low-cost e-commerce platform that’s easy to build and maintain. You can add a built-in blog to the site to grow search traffic and keep customers in the loop, and use templates that are fully responsive.

One thing to note about Shopify is that, as the name might suggest, it is heavily e-commerce centered. There isn’t much scope for scaling beyond a small e-commerce site. You can also only edit your site from the app – there is no browser-based editor.

Shopify also charges a transaction fee for all purchases made on your site, and this fee cannot be removed. This can be a deal-breaker when businesses start to grow.

7. Duda

Duda provides what is possibly the most intuitive and helpful design process when making your site. It offers design guidance as you build, as well as some great templates.

However, this builder is a little light on features and lacks any real business functionality beyond hosting content pages online with a custom domain. It is also expensive, considering that it isn’t quite as powerful as its competitors. Depending on your requirements, Duda may be a little too basic for business purposes.

8. Webflow

Webflow has one of the largest libraries of responsive templates and intuitive design functionality that makes it easy to create a beautiful website. It also features powerful integrations for e-commerce and dynamic content.

However, the platform could be confusing for some, and with no telephone support, you’re left a little in the dark. Webflow is also a little more expensive than most of its competitors.

9. GoDaddy

You would be forgiven for expecting GoDaddy’s website builder to be something of an afterthought. But the domain-broking giant’s offering actually has one of the easier-to-use interfaces in this list.

It also offers excellent website performance and speed, something that has become increasingly important for SEO in the last couple of years.

The main issues are the price. Add-ons soon make this an expensive option. A lack of developer tools also makes it harder to build upon your existing site when you want to scale up and hire a permanent dev team.

10. Tribe

Tribe comes with loads of e-commerce features as standard, without the stubborn transaction fee that many of the other platforms feature. There is also no setup cost, making this builder one of the cheapest options for creating up a new e-commerce site.

However, you might feel a little limited by the pre-set themes on offer, making it difficult to create a truly bespoke site.

Are Website Builders Worth It?

Having looked under the hood of all these no-code website builders, should you spend your budget on a website builder? Or is it better to take the plunge and pay a developer? Let’s look at the pros and cons:


  • Price – Website builders are cheaper initially, so tend to be more viable for new businesses.
  • Freedom – There’s no coding knowledge required so you can make any changes you like, whenever you like.
  • SEO – Most website builders have good SEO functionality or inbuilt optimisation tools.


  • Less functionality – Website builders tend to have limited functionality when compared with the resources and knowledge of a professional developer.
  • Added costs – When you start to add extras such as security features, e-commerce addons and more, you’ll find your monthly bill gets more and more expensive.
  • No bespoke websites – Using publicly available templates means that your website will likely share a lot of design elements with other existing websites.
  • The price of knowledge – When you pay for a developer to build your site, you’re paying for more than just someone to put some things together on a webpage. You’re paying for years of design experience and technical knowledge.

Website Development Agency vs. Online Website Builders

Overall, it’s fair to say that online website builders have their place. They are becoming increasingly more powerful and packed with amazing features. Certainly, small businesses, freelancers, and artists will find that these platforms are ideal for creating beautiful, responsive, and easily managed websites.

However, for scaling businesses, these tools aren’t quite going to cut the mustard. Many scaling businesses might not have their own dev team but have far outgrown the capabilities of a website builder. That means they’re going to need something a little more personal.

Digital agencies offer bespoke website building packages that take into account the way the business works. That includes its values, goals and how it helps customers to solve their problems.

These agencies tend to be overflowing with experience and creativity and their success depends on your results, so commitment is guaranteed. Choosing between these two options means deciding if you’d rather spend more and invest in the future of your website, or start with a cheaper alternative and worry about the rest later.

Having a well-designed company website is the crucial part reflecting your level of professionalism and digital appearance stand out. The easy-to-use website development tools take an efficient role considering the business marketing plan, and they’re cheaper, yet faster.



10 Popular Website Design Trends for 2022


Comfort and Minimalism

Keep it simple: Minimalism goes on as a popular trend with more white spaces that give a clean, versatile design.

Slow yet detailed animations can achieve comfort. Content should be short but focused. This is to make sure that your message is conveyed to visitors at first glance.

Keep in mind that… First impression lasts.

Futuristic Designs

When it comes to futuristic design, designers outpace movies.

When going over leading designs, you will usually see a highly technological work or huge data visualization. Data points have increased to 20X in the last 3 years, which makes them difficult to understand.

Custom Illustrations, Videos

An image speaks louder than words. In addition, they save space and capture the interest of users.

A study reveals that the time spent on a website increases by 100% when a page includes at least one image or video.

Videos never fail to impress since 85% of shoppers would most likely make a purchase after viewing a demonstration.

Shadows to Create an Illusion of Depth

Shadows are popular in the designers world since they create more depth. They allow you to turn your flat design to semi-flat. Shadows, as well as slight variation of colors, can be used for the following:

  • making CTA’s seem raised when they are about to be clicked
  • establishing a visual order among elements

Note: Refrain from using too many shadows.

Responsive Web Design and Logos

Since Google became the leader in search engines, web developers have become comfortable using Responsive web design. This is also seen in logos as well. All these can be attributed to Google.

At present, brands need a responsive website and logo design to maintain their presence before their target audience – no matter what device they use.

Minimalist Images

To effectively draw a user’s attention on a particular item, it is best to use a plain background to focus more on a specific detail. This strategy is always used in e-commerce. Web designers are now applying it to boost CTA.

More Blank Spaces

Web designers use blank spaces now more than ever. This is since a negative space makes a user focus on something valuable. This is, for example, the product you are selling with optimized CTA.

Animations, Cinegraphs, Gifs

Users would rather watch stories than read text. Motion could easily capture a user’s interest more than anything else. This is the reason why Instagram is successful.

Animations, cinegraphs and Gifs can be used to create striking web pages, news letters and banners, among others. These terms are familiar to users of social media.

Add animations to let users go smoothly throughout navigation and loading screens, to name a few.


Micro-interactions can be seen everywhere. They differ from animations in a way that is difficult to explain. Just refer to the example that follows.

They are used in creating highly interactive user interfaces so the users do not have to visit and scroll down the pages.

Bright Gradients and Vivid Colors

After a long period of absence, gradients are back online. Gradients 2.0, with their distinct colors, are fast becoming popular.


web design

Top Design Features to Lookout for Your eCommerce Website in 2022


Your eCommerce store is incomplete till it can find a way to retain and engage visitors. To accomplish this, merchants might want to create an aesthetic and easy-to-navigate eCommerce website. If your online store can ease the buying process, you’ll stand to receive a tremendous increase in revenue.

To achieve this, merchants might want to invest in specific design features to create a flawless interface for visitors. Users must find it easier to locate information. Such features will improve the way users interact with the eCommerce store and give them a memorable experience.

Store owners will be able to turn their average day-to-day visitors into loyal-lifetime users. Listed below are all the eCommerce design features every merchant must try to integrate into their eCommerce store in 2022.

Essential Design Features for eCommerce Websites

  • Search Wizard
  • Carousel Slides
  • Megamenu
  • Newsletter Pop-up
  • Product Comparison
  • Banners
  • Reviews
  • Help Desk

Search Wizard

Not everyone likes to click on a list of links to locate their favorite items. They might want to type it in and get to the product immediately. In this scenario, browsing through the site stalls their desire to purchase. Hence, merchants would need an advanced product finder on their website.

The search wizard will scan, analyze, and display vast volumes of related data in near real-time. Not only that but, it’ll also pull relevant data as soon as the customer starts typing (minimum three characters). The user would also get the option to view all the results for the typed search query.

Although not applicable to every eCommerce business, it is a very effective way to captivate visitors right off of your home page. Merchants can showcase top-selling products and other promotions to capture user attention. This feature is known to be impactful and informative.

Integrating this into your eCommerce store doesn’t take a lot of effort. Plus, it gives merchants a chance to present prominent information as soon as visitors land on the homepage. Present dazzling and persuasive imagery of your SKUs that tempt users to click, visit its product page, and purchase them.


A sophisticated mega menu that neatly lists all your products into different categories and subcategories will be incredibly useful for your users. Visitors will be able to easily browse through the site by merely navigating further in the mega menu. More than anything, it elevates the visitor’s user experience.

Merchants can first segregate all their SKUs and then place them into the categories and subcategories on the mega menu. Users will find it easy to locate the product. Merchants can even use icons and pictures against each label in the mega menu. Do not forget to make it mobile responsive.

Newsletter Pop-up

One of the ways to keep in touch with your loyal customers is through a newsletter. Add a pop-up to the home page that gets triggered after a while. Any visitor to your store must get to see them as a pop-up. The pop-up will collect an email address and forward information on deals, sales, trends, and other interesting data.

Newsletters are the best way to attract customers to your store. Even unregistered customers might convert upon seeing a brilliant deal in the email. Merchants get to engage users with trivia, tips, and general eCommerce news as well. Newsletters are the best way to nurture a relationship with your target audience.

Product Comparison

Now and then, users might feel the need to compare two or more products to decide which suits them best. In this scenario, having a product comparison tool simplifies their dilemma and eases their decision-making process.

Being able to analyze multiple products on various aspects will give users a better understanding of their choices. Users should be able to compare along, color, dimensions, weight, price, and much more depending on the industry. Allow customers to get the best overview of the technical details of various products.


The use of banners on the home page, especially animated ones, is known to capture visitors’ attention. Feature anything you want, but ensure the content looks as bold, dynamic, and colorful as possible. Stylish and visually appealing banners get high visibility.

Anything included in the banner will not go unnoticed by visitors. This allows merchants to have top-selling products, anything on sale, or even a countdown timer to create urgency. One thing is for sure that users will get tempted to click. As a result, it is quite likely that your order placements will skyrocket.


eCommerce store owners can reserve a section on their homepage to display reviews and positive testimonials with ratings. Visitors will immediately feel a sense of faith and see the credibility in associating with you. Therefore, any visitor that comes across this is more likely to place orders on the site. Genuine and honest reviews make the brand seem more trustworthy to the visitors.

Help Desk

Add a floating helpdesk to as many pages of your eCommerce website as possible. Customers use the help desk to submit tickets about their orders. Any issues that emerge during or after placing orders can be explained in the form that pops up after clicking this widget.

Submitting the form will generate a ticket, a unique ticket number is generated, which is then forwarded to the customer via email and a representative in the support team. Merchants can also use the unique number to consolidate every message exchanged about that order.


Allow users to add their favorite products to a wishlist. Furthermore, allow them to share the wishlist with other users on the site and share the same on social media platforms. Wish Lists are a great way to create shopping lists or gift lists. Also, this handy tool can serve as a reminder about future purchases. Users can find the products easily in the future.

Call-to-action (CTA)

Convince your users to take some action on your site by displaying a bright, prominent, and eye-catching CTA on various pages of your eCommerce store. A CTA would involve some form of future contact.

Logically and Qualitatively place as many CTAs as you can throughout the site. Uses shouldn’t have to navigate over to the “Contact Us” page or to a form to get in touch with a pivotal person in your company.


web design

Web Design Fundamentals – How to Smash It With User-Friendly Website?


The Internet opens up a world of opportunities for forward-thinking businesses. Online marketing is the way of the future – and the first step to establishing a foothold online is to have a good website.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of ways to get yourself a website. A business could bring a whole IT team on board to take care of the task. On the opposite end of the spectrum, you can just use a website builder and make yourself a serviceable website in no time. However, by far the most impressive and cost-effective way to go about it is to hire professional WordPress developers to get the job done.

Regardless of which path a business chooses, the fundamentals of website building are still the same. To be successful, a website needs to be well-thought-out, solidly designed, and most importantly – user-friendly.

This last bit is more important than many businesses realize. Making a site as user-friendly as possible is a must nowadays as the Internet is an attention economy. Studies show that user attention spans are getting shorter and shorter. With this in mind, here are the main components you need to focus on to get the most out of your website.

Ensure Website Stability

To make your presence online felt, your website needs to be up and running at all times. It doesn’t matter how good your website looks and how user-friendly it is if users can’t see it because it is down all the time. This means that it needs to be well developed and optimized to achieve the lowest downtime possible.

Website development is not a straightforward task, even for seasoned professionals. Things “break” all the time. It’s an iterative process that requires a lot of time, effort, and dedication that can achieve astounding results. The first step on that path is to hammer out what the exact parameters of the job are.

What are the goals and objectives for the project? What can actually be accomplished, and in what time frame? What happens if plans change mid-development? All those questions need to be answered if you are to end up with a functioning website. Failing to do so at the very beginning results in instability in the development process. This inevitably causes complications, which in turn result in downtime – which you want to avoid.

The way to deal with potential issues is simple. Get good developers and hammer out the details of the project carefully with them before you start. Be honest and upfront with them as the project goes on and treat the task at hand with the seriousness it deserves

An important factor for website stability is how the website itself is hosted. Nowadays, there are plenty of free hosting services out there that you can use if you’re aiming to go as cheap as possible. However, if you want to avoid server issues, you’d do well to consider spending some money on a hosting service.

Focus on Accessibility

Another crucial aspect that should be bumped to top priority when designing a website is accessibility. This means making sure that your website works well on all platforms and on all browsers.

For many companies, getting a website that’s really good-looking on desktop devices comes first. The goal of it being accessible on mobile, or through less popular browsers, is often something of an afterthought. This way of doing things is counterproductive in the extreme in today’s online environment, for a few reasons.

Firstly, a staggering amount of searches, and therefore – traffic – actually comes from mobile devices. Users stumbling onto your website on their mobile devices are the norm, rather than the exception. You need to make your website as appealing to them as possible.

What’s more, as of mid-2021, Google has made mobile-friendliness a ranking factor for searches. This means that making sure a website is optimized for mobile users is not only crucial for user experience, but for SEO as well.

This is why companies who want to do well online should focus on making their websites as accessible as possible from day one.


Design for Navigability

Making sure your website is stable and accessible should be your first priority when planning it out. Taking care that it is designed to be as easy to navigate should be your second order of business.

True, there are many aspects of website design that need attention, and at the end of the day, you need to cover all bases. Still, as the cornerstone of a good user interface, navigability is probably the most important. Luckily, achieving it is not that difficult, if you put your mind to it and stick to what works.

Use the color palette on your website to emphasize certain elements on each page. There is no hard and fast rule as to what colors you need to use and where to put them. Using bold colors and contrast on certain elements of your design creates a clear visual hierarchy. Incorporate striking design to emphasize the elements that a user would find most useful.

Make sure everything on your website is clearly labeled. Every detail on every page should be marked out and be immediately recognizable at a glance. Achieving this effect without making your design too intrusive or aggressive may prove to be a bit of a challenge, but it is by no means impossible.

Make sure you incorporate a working Search function into your design. It doesn’t necessarily have to be the focus of user attention at all times, but it should be easy enough to find. This is just one of many tried and true methods of dramatically improving the UX on your website.

Design the structure of your primary navigation with simplicity in mind. Put it near the top of your page, and make it straightforward to use. Don’t cram all the navigation options into it, as that will make it clunky, not to mention unaesthetic. Remember, although you want to establish a clear visual hierarchy, you don’t want your website to be too “top-heavy.”

Incorporate a secondary system of navigation in the footer of your site, or in another section. Any other part of the site the user may want to visit should never be more than two to three clicks away from their current view.

Finally, limit the use of lead-generating strategies on your website. Landing pages, pop-ups, and live chat can work wonders for converting clicks into sales. Still, bear in mind that if you overdo it, this strategy will backfire. Aggressive pop-ups, in particular, are an instant turnoff for many users. This is why you need to find a balance, and include just the right amount of them when you’re designing your website.


web design

11 Web Design Trends to Power Up Your Website in 2022


Website composition patterns are continually evolving. Simultaneously, there are some mainstream styles that just will not disappear – like the pervasive moderation and vivid level delineations that we’ve been seeing for quite a while.

1. Dark mode

Dark mode, which was at that point a major pattern in 2020 on account of OLED screens, will turn out to be significantly more famous one year from now.

It looks simple, nice and elegant at the present day. Telegram, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and Apple are only a couple of examples of the large brands that offer elective topics on their foundation. If you are interested in more design solutions, check the iPhone mockup collection.

2. Human touch

Hand-drawn design elements bring emotion and humanity to websites, something that deep down users who are tired of technology crave.

In fact, this rebellious trend is almost the opposite of pixel-perfect, so flaunt your ragged edges and exposed shapes to show how human and realistic your brand is.

3. Immersive 3D elements

Volumetric graphics have always fascinated people; it’s a trend that’s only been held back by technology and cost. Until virtual reality becomes more pervasive and cost-effective, hyper-realistic 3D imagery, which often spans the entire screen, is the best way to create an immersive experience on your site.

Thanks to advances in web technology and the constant refinement of their games, web designers are increasingly using 3D elements as VR/AR technologies gain momentum and add beauty and impact to 3D elements.

4. Delicate shadows, layers and drifting components.

Delicate shadows and drifting components make a pseudo-3D impact and make plans more layered and fascinating.

This pattern expects to make profundity. It works with the image, yet additionally with text and photographs, and gives the plan a feeling of daintiness, as though the components were coasting on top of one another.

5. Mixing Photography with Graphics

Using real photographs mixed with illustrations or graphics really captures the spirit of the brand. The style of these visuals can influence how people interpret the photo – cartoon swirls are better used for something more playful, and geometric swirls for something more complex. High-quality photos already look great on their own, but adding cool graphics will really show off your creative flair.

6. Solid frames in a single colour space

Layouts with a full crop release have long been a trend in web design.

Designers are now gravitating towards solid structures and playing around with different ways of using lots of white space (and space of any colour, for that matter) to give their designs more structure and use clean framing, in order to give the design a sense of stability and solidity, order and neatness.

7. Light and neon

Futuristic full colours like blue, purple and bright pink give the design a sense of radiance for the future. Professionals use bold colour combinations to make web design literally jump off the screen. This trend is particularly evident in duochrome web design.

It blends perfectly with other uptrends like extreme minimalism and dark mode. And luminous colours can really shine.

8. Ultra minimalistic navigation

Website content gravitates towards more voice-scripted video and less text. Over the past few years, navigation has become easier to adapt to very small devices and even less attention span. Extremely minimalist navigation removes much of the difficulty in usability.

9. Frosted glass effect

Recent advances in web technology have made it easy to implement a frosted glass effect on websites. The blurred appearance of elements behind the frosted glass overlay helps add colour to the area, as well as allowing text or objects to appear in the image and remain legible.

10. Photo art

The main idea is to dazzle customers and grab their attention by showing interesting and unrealistic elements. They make potential consumers use their imagination and stay on your website longer. In this way, you can increase your average session time and possibly increase your conversion rate.

11. Realistic textures

After years of ethereal gradients and smooth isometric objects, textures are making a comeback. You can get users to reach out and touch textures by creating outlines and grains. However, try not to overdo it. You may end up diverting visitors’ attention to the wrapper rather than your brand.

After all, the major web design trends of 2022 look less like a design from a science-fiction film and more like the real thing we might encounter in everyday life. It shows how increasingly simple websites are becoming part of our lives, and the designers of 2022 are bringing them to life.


web design

12 Ways To Optimize Your Website For Voice Search In 2020


Voice search is a new technology that allows you to search for things online using voice prompts. Although it has been around for 11 years, its use has only taken place recently.

Positioning your business on the fast-approaching voice-first world

Smartphone adoption has skyrocketed, thus leading to significant changes in the search landscape. We are quickly getting into a voice-first world with regard to searches.

Besides, as businesses embrace ecommerce platforms in droves, you have no option but to play safe by optimizing your content, website and everything else to keep up with the changing times.

The scramble for the limited number of customers is real. And, you don’t want to miss the piece of the pie.

So how can you optimize voice search and wearable technology to gain a competitive edge over your customers?

● Come up with a good plan of action

As the use of voice for search increases, you need to adapt your business to both current and future voice search needs. That means you have to develop a strategy. You need to evaluate all the keywords you will need, your existing content and future needs. Then you need to produce new content.

● Get listed online

This is good for you if you are a local business. But if you are not, you are free to skip this one. If you are local, one of the ways to prepare for voice search is by ensuring that you have been listed online.

For one, if you are selling wearable tech products, you know that they have limited display sizes. Besides, smartphones use voice assistants – for instance, Google Assistant for Android and Siri for Apple devices.

Unlike Google text search results, the assistants can’t show up search results especially for local businesses. Instead, they show business listings first. Well, in step you are not optimizing your website.

● Research your keywords

Remember your customers will be using voice search and not keywords. That means you will have to deal with increased keyword length because of the nature of human communication.

So instead of targeting a keyword like “pineapple birthday cake”, you need to focus on something like “do you know of any reliable vendors for pineapple birthday cakes?” Voice isn’t about delivering you results options but rather it directs you to a product’s action.

If you are still stuck about it, you can invest in good SEO software to help narrow down to specific keyword string that will work for your website.

● Optimize for local search

After you have done your local listings and produced local content, you need to optimize your listing and the content for local search. Most voice searches target information about paces that someone needs to visit. For example, it could be about “best places to buy fast foods in New Jersey” or maybe “Fast food places in New Jersey”.

How to Optimize Your Website for Voice Search SEO:

● Reduce page loading time

Every smart SEO knows that page loading speed is one of the most important ranking factors out there. And, with the increased amount of digital content (including voice) online, the faster your site load will be a determining ranking factor in the future.

According to a study conducted by Backinko, websites that have simple, easily digestible chunks of content rank better on the first pages of SERPs. The same study also found out that Google (and, in extension, search engines) favored web pages with low loading times.

● Use long-tail SEO

While the use of long-tail keywords isn’t as popular as it used to be a while ago, it one of the perfect ways for optimizing your website for voice searches.

There are two main reasons why it works like a charm. One is, voice searches are made through a significantly longer string of text. Secondly, smart assistants are designed to deliver answer-like responses for all queries we make.

As a result, the use of long-tail SEO helps us optimize for featured snippets. As a result, it will always send you directly to the top of search results.

● Target your audience’s questions.

Most voice searches are in the form of questions. Think about the queries people make to Alexa, Siri or Google Assistant. They are all in the form of questions. For example, “How should I bathe my dog?” Such questions. Always make sure you have the right content that fits your audience’s actions.

● Produce voice-search friendly content

Always ensure that you have produced easy-to-read, conversational content. For an automated voice to clearly read, ensure that you have something written at 9th grade.

● Produce more local content

Quite a lot of voice searches are for local content. By producing locally relevant content that caters to the local needs of your people goes a long way into improving your SEO for voice-search and wearable tech. But, your business doesn’t have to be local for you to produce local content.

You can also dish-out tons of local content that will help bring more traffic to your business despite your location.

● User experience is everything

Unlike with the regular SERPs, voice search focuses on one website for querying. Ensure that the voice assistant will be able to access all the info you need quickly. That also means your site needs to be mobile friendly, fast, and HTTPs secured.

● Use schema and structured formatting.

In one of Backlinko’s study, they found that about 40.7% of all Google voice answers came from a Google Featured Snippet. Sometimes referred to as quick answers, these answers are summaries from selected websites and often include a link to the source of the information.

For your website to be featured, you need to ensure that you are providing concise answers to the questions are mostly answered by your audience.

● Don’t relent on regular SEO

When you focus on producing great content and doing your old-school SEO, you are also likely to do well in voice search too. That is why websites that have a high social engagement, better rankings, and high domain authority do better in voice search.

Voice is becoming the next great sensation in the search industry. For businesses to stay on top in 2021, they must be able to perform better voice search SEO on top of the regular SEO.

If you want to see more specific examples, Bookmark, a full-service global marketing agency has also written about the ways to optimize existing content for voice.



Website User Experience Design and Optimization Guide

What is the user experience? What aspects of the user experience are involved?

User Experience (UE/UX) is a purely subjective psychological experience built up by users in the process of using a product (service). From a system perspective, it is a holistic concept that produces a user experience at different stages of the product, in different channels, and wherever possible, in contact with products, services, and the enterprise itself. There are many factors that can affect the experience that users actually use. The individual differences in the users who try the products (services) also determine that the true feelings/experiences of each user cannot be fully simulated or reproduced in a very efficient way. But for a well-defined group of users, the commonality of their user experience can be recognized through well-designed tests/experiments.

The design of the user experience of the website is reflected in everything that happens to the customer and our website. All interactions include watching our company’s latest product promotion dialogue, clicking through the official website, viewing the help center, advertising, email, and chat via instant messaging… even a small tab on a product page. Detailed research and comparison We have found that all of these will be linked over time to form a user’s perception and experience of the website as a whole. The design of these experiences is not casual; it is constantly extracted from the various data generated by the user’s browsing behavior; the best practices are found in constant user product testing/feedback.

Why emphasize website user experience design?

User experience is life. Everything in your life involves your experience, alarm clock, bathroom, bus, card machine, traffic lights, mobile phone, computer, keyboard, mouse… Every day, we are dealing with products and using and experiencing products every day. Some products have a bad condition during use. For example: an alarm clock that looks very Feel. Its wake-up function has too many options. It is too complicated. As users don’t know how to configure a simple wake-up function…from the initial collection of data, research and analysis Product prototypes, continuous adjustment and optimization after the product goes online, is the no return of products…

The mining website of user experience design elements of various industry websites is to explore business opportunities. To put it simply, it is closely related to ROI. The direct performance of the e-commerce website’s good user experience design is that the user interaction of the website becomes frequent and the user’s stickiness is improved; the indirect sales volume is improved. Depending on the search engine marketing website, optimizing the website user experience will help search engine rankings and bring more traffic. Another example: the purpose of pornographic websites is to make a profit, the focus is that it captures the psychological and even physiological needs of this user group.

In today’s Internet age, whether a product can be successful or not, the user experience is becoming a key factor. Users buy your product, not the end of the transaction with you. On the contrary, when the user picks up your product and uses your product, the journey of the user experience product really begins, and whether the user experience journey is enjoyable will directly affect your word of mouth and affect your sales. When the technical conditions are not much different, we can continue to improve the experience design of the product through continuous trials, improve the user experience, and make the user feel more pleasant and more valuable. This will be an effective way to establish a brand and build a reputation. .

User-centric design concepts continue to grow, creating questions and discussions about the importance of designing and enhancing the user experience. Simply put: “It is important because it deals directly with user needs.” User-centric, usability-centric will make our website unique. Thinking about it only has two things that determine how we do user experience design: what we think and what users want to experience.

Understand the user experience design of the website – the five components of the user experience

These five elements are called “five elements of web user experience design”, understand its whole and learn to decompose and adjust the details, and slowly grow up.

Website User Experience Optimization Guide – Let’s think about a few user experience related issues

The website has been scaled up and it is difficult to change the entire framework. In order to experience it better, we should “go to its dross and take its essence”; to get rid of it in order to be better in one aspect; to give up other less important ones in order to be better in some respects. aspect.

First, a clear goal: to fully understand the user’s key needs to fully tap the user’s needs

Before you begin to determine your optimization goals, ask yourself: “How can I provide the users with what they want and achieve my goals?” To answer this question, first understand what the user’s goals are and what their goals are. Comprehensively collect and analyze the explicit needs of users, and at the same time, through all aspects of data analysis to explore hidden requirements and try to connect them with their own goals, and roughly determine the type of web page presentation (blog articles, atlas display, e-commerce shopping) and many more). We need to consider the core products and advantages of our website, and pay attention to the excellent product cases in related fields. Maybe we will feel that our website is very good in many aspects, but the best advice is to focus on one or two core strengths, focusing on the best areas to provide quality content. This will not be very tiring for the creation of a product or service. 


Before you start, ask yourself some of the following questions:

How do users find my website? What are their characteristics of the road? What are they looking for? Can I provide what they need? Did they forget some aspects? Based on the above, what do I want to get from the user? How do I get the ideal response from the user’s behavior?

If we operate an IT technology news site, after considering all of the above issues, the simple conclusions that can be drawn are as follows:

Most users come from search engines through keywords and go directly to the article page. Users are looking for specific content related to keywords. We display detailed articles for the entire page on the landing page. Although our website provides relevant content, users seem to Dissatisfied with the need for more information. Our goal is to engage users, stay longer, read more, and recognize the focus of the site. The real difficulty is how to achieve this goal. We can prove to the user that there are other relevant and valuable content on the site and encourage them to continue reading. This can be done by placing a list of relevant or heated articles at the bottom or right side of each article.